
GoCodeo Extension for VS Code

To start using GoCodeo’s AI-powered coding and testing tool, follow these steps to install the extension:

1. Via VS Code Marketplace:

• Open Visual Studio Code Marketplace.
• Search for "GoCodeo" and click the Install button.

2. Via VS Code IDE:

• Open the VS Code IDE on your machine.
• Click on the Extensions icon in the Activity Bar (left-hand side of VS Code), or use the keyboard shortcut:
- macOS: Cmd + Shift + G
- Windows/Linux: Ctrl + Shift + X
• In the Extensions search bar, type GoCodeo and click Install.
• After installation, click Reload if prompted to activate the extension.
• Once reloaded, the GoCodeo icon will appear in your Activity Bar.

GoCodeo's extension on VS Code marketplace instructing how to install.


Currently, GoCodeo supports the following login method:

• Login with Google

- Use your Google account to securely log in to GoCodeo.

Once logged in, you’ll gain immediate access to GoCodeo’s automated coding and testing tools within the VS Code IDE.

GoCodeo allows sign-in with Google option.